
Updated at: 2024-11-13.

A cookie-free and privacy focused Google Analytics alternative!

No need to spy on your visitors. Insyt helps you understand who is visiting your website, and that is why hundreds of personal blogs and companies trust Insyt with their website analytics.

Privacy at the core for your website visitors

Insyt is fully GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant as our business model focuses on privacy as a top priority. With Insyt there is no IP tracking, cookies or fingerprinting. It's fully anonymous, however delivers the data you need.

Don’t clutter your website with annoying cookie banners

Your website does not need a cookie banner You know how cookie banners pop up on every website? Well with Insyt you don't need a cookie consent banner (at least not for analytics), because we don't use cookies to collect privacy-focused data for you. So there is no need to slow down your website and add additional clutter. How awesome is that?

The information you need right at your fingertips

We help you gather information in real-time on who is visiting, where your traffic is coming from, what products are selling well and what your visitors are looking at using our tracking code which is less than 1kb in size. All this in an easy, simple and insightful dashboard. Oh, and just on a side note - you own all the data that is being tracked.

One line of code that works

It really does not matter whether your website is powered by WordPress, Ghost, Next.js or Joomla, or any other CMS, application or framework. You only need to add a single line of JavaScript code - which is less than 1kb.

Blazing fast

Because our script is smaller and loads faster, it's actually better for your page speeds and SEO compared to Google Analytics. This means your website won't be punished in ranking when it comes to page speeds.

Event & campaign tracking

While all the focus is on privacy, you can still utilize Insyt for marketing and help you make business decisions by seeing what works and what doesn't, which products and list signups convert, and what led to the best gains for your business or website.

Data retention

Insyt shows anything you need, unlike other services that only include the last seven days or six months. Whether you are a new customer or a blogger that has been with us for longer, you can quickly glance at all your analytics at anytime.

Personal settings

Choose to set your page however you want. Make your website analytics data private, public or password protected. Exclude certain IPs or bots. Add URL query parameters. Then all you need to do is click save. Easy.


Yes, we are multilingual and most of our customers are too. We currently have English, German and Spanish available, however there are more languages in the works. It's important to us that you feel at home - linguistically speaking.

And so many more features

Single dashboard view to see all your data in one place
Dark-mode for those nightly shifts and data crunch sessions
Filter what's important and drill into your data with single clicks
We'll send you reports on a periodic basis to give you an overview
Fully responsive meaning whether on your monitor or phone, your data is visible
Amazing free plan with the options to upgrade for a small fee
No long term contracts, hence you can cancel at any time

So, why not make the jump and give Insyt a try! We know you'll thank us later. Ditch the big tech and register today.